Idea Forum
SUBMIT – Got an environment / conservation issue or idea?
The Idea Forum is currently closed. Please check the Resources section to see if your concern is addressed there.
VOTE – Agree with an existing post? –
If you see an issue or idea that rings true for your municipality, click the “Vote for this issue/idea” button to add to the votes.
Information on environmental impacts of gravel extraction
Information for municipalities on the long term impacts to riparian lands and water bodies, including aquifers, wetlands and floodplains, from gravel production
Total Votes: 32
Can municipalities tax conservation lands differently than other lands
I’m unclear on how various types of conservation lands are taxed, and the impact it might have on municipal revenues.
Total Votes: 27
The impact of the new MGA on municipalities’ environmental responsibilities is unclear
It looks like the new MGA will affect municipal responsibilities with regard to the environment, but we need some guidance here as to how, what might be the implications.
Total Votes: 47
Municipalities don’t have access to good wetlands data
Municipalities need wetlands data that is consistent and usable at the fine scale at which we make decisions
Total Votes: 66
Addressing negative wildlife-human conflicts in urban areas
Calgary and other municipalities are seeing an increase in wildlife-human conflicts, including coyotes that are attacking people in their own driveways, Canada geese impacting access to rivers, and large wildlife such as bears, moose and cougars continuing to appear on city streets. With a push for increasing urban environmental open space and natural areas, how can these negative human-wildlife interactions be better managed?
Total Votes: 4
Timeline study for Provincial water act approvals
Municipalities need a better understanding of the timeline required by AEP to process water act approvals and registrations.
Total Votes: 18
Environment, conservation and alignment with regional plans
I would like to know how environmental management and conservation are supposed to be considered in our declaration of alignment with regional plans
Total Votes: 53
What Happens Next?
One of three things can happen as a result of posts in the Idea Forum
Community Conserve can adopt a project
The Community Conserve team regularly reviews the issues and ideas to see if there are ones that make sense to take on as a research or support question (if so, these end up in the Resource Library). As the site is open to everyone, other organizations or agencies may also propose a project based on a Forum issue or idea.
A municipality can move an idea to ‘Fund Pooling’
If a municipality wants to collaborate with others to fund a project based on an issue or idea, they can ask Community Conserve to move it to the Fund Pooling page.
You can message the issue/idea poster
When you post an issue or idea, it’s anonymous (only the Community Conserve team knows the poster’s identity). However, if you are interested in talking to that person, contact us, and we will send them your message.