Rural Residential Expansion Research


Rural Residential Expansion Research

Understanding and mapping rural residential expansion in southwestern Alberta

The Issue / Idea

What is the extent of rural residential expansion in southwestern Alberta?

The Project

In 2003, Miistakis published Spatial Analysis of Rural Residential Expansion in Southwestern Alberta. The report summarizes what we learned from analyzing half a century’s worth of municipal tax assessment data, and describes the patterns and possible drivers of exurban expansion in southwestern Alberta. The data and maps this project produced are some of our most frequently requested resources. In 2006, we revisited the original data in attempt to better understand the spatial distribution of this type of development. Our analysis suggests that rural residences are more likely to occur on sites with scenic views, and with close proximity to golf courses and urban centres. In 2011, Miistakis collaborated with Dr. Michael Quinn at the University of Calgary in an effort to update and expand the Rural Residential Data Set. Work was completed in early 2012, and we now have a complete historical record of more than a century of rural residential expansion for 12 Municipal Districts and Counties in southern and central Alberta.

Spatial Analysis of Rural Residential Expansion in Southwestern Alberta

Rural Residential Expansion in Southern Alberta

Mapping the Exurban Explosion: Rural Residential Expansion in Southwestern Alberta

Rural Residences Map Animation


This project was undertaken by

The Miistakis Institute


Development of this report and dataset began in 2003 and was

updated and completed in 2012


Alberta Ecotrust

Alberta Environment

Henry P. Kendall Foundation

University of Calgary

Alberta Summer Temporary Employment Program