How Municipalities Apply Environmental Reserve in Alberta: A White Paper
A discussion paper to inform municipal planners on how environmental reserve is applied in Alberta and observations on the implications of the new Conservation Reserve tool to ER
The Issue / Idea
How has environmental reserve been interpreted and applied in Alberta? And, did this change with the new conservation reserve tool enabled under the Municipal Government Act?
The Project
To respond to the issue, the Miistakis Institute distributed a survey to understand the municipal application of environmental reserve. The survey was distributed through APPI, AUMA and AAMDC.
Using the outcomes of the survey as a starting point, a discussion paper was developed to provide context for environmental reserve, what the intent is in the MGA, and comments on how it is interpreted and used by municipalities. The paper concludes with a comparison of the previous MGA and the modernized MGA environmental reserve policies, and observations on how the new conservation reserve tool may affect environmental reserve application by municipalities.
Environmental Reserve in Alberta: Discussion Paper
Conservation Reserve Resources
This project was undertaken by
The Miistakis Institute
This research began in Fall 2016 and was completed in
October 2017
Max Bell Foundation
Anonymous Foundation