New Revenue Options for Land Conservation
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About the project
Although all municipalities devote some attention to conservation at the policy and planning level, even those with an interest in expanding land conservation efforts identify financial limitations as the most significant barrier (versus desire or public acceptability). The Alberta Land Trust Alliance’s survey of municipalities (Conservation Connections Alberta) found that economic restraints combined with competing demands for other priorities were the biggest barriers to expanded land conservation for both urban and rural municipalities.
To address similar dilemmas, several state, regional and municipal jurisdictions around North America use dedicated taxes to raise money to support conservation activities such as conservation and park land acquisition, restoration, conservation easements, etc. Those dollars are raised through cell phone taxes, property taxes, real estate taxes, sales taxes, bond initiatives, lottery dollars, etc. They are populist measures enjoying high levels of support even in fiscally conservative jurisdictions.
It is unclear how applicable these approaches would be in Alberta, nor how acceptable. Background questions that need to be answered include what potential options exist, what are the factors of success in other jurisdictions, which taxation/fees structures could be applicable in Alberta, which options are within the current revenue-generating authority of Alberta municipalities versus those requiring legislative reform, and what is the role of the provincial government. Operational questions that need to be answered include how are such revenues best applied, what ensures sustainability, and what ensures accountability.
This project would undertake this research, create a guide for Alberta municipalities, and propose policy reforms.
This project will be undertaken by
The Miistakis Institute and the Environmental Law Centre
Project budget
The funds required to compelte this project are estimated to be
Proposed timeline
From initiation, this project would be complete within
10 months
If your municipality is interested in funding this project please complete the following form. Please note that submitting this form is not a commitment, it is an expression of interest. After sending, you will be contacted by a Community Convserve person to get more details about your possible commitment, and to answer your questions.
Current supporters of this project
Municipality $0,000.00 |
Pending |
Municipality $0,000 |
Pending |
Remaining to be funded -$45,000 |