Water Survey – Wheatland County


Water Survey – Wheatland County

Water resources – perspectives of agricultural producers, a survey report

The Issue / Idea

How can municipalities better understand the perspective of agricultural producers regarding water resources?

The Project

Wheatland County, located in the grassland natural region of Alberta, has a diverse agricultural community. The county places a high value on conserving its natural capital and has developed extension programming focused on promoting and supporting best management practices within the agricultural community for maintaining and restoring water resources. To guide program development, educational outreach and policies relating to water resources, Wheatland County wishes to better understand the perspective of agricultural producers regarding water resources.

In order to understand the current knowledge, attitude, behaviour and needs of producers and acreage owners toward sustainable water management, Wheatland County requested the Miistakis Institute conduct a county-wide survey of agricultural producers.

 A Survey of Public Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Water in Wheatland County (2009)

Wheatland County Water Resources – Perspectives of the Agricultural Producers (2015)


This project was undertaken by

The Miistakis Institute


Project was completed twice:

2009 and 2015


Wheatland County